Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Two halfs

One statistic I am always quick to go to is one of dubious actuarial science, yet is so good that I find it hard to resist. I heard about it years ago, and now am happy to use it to make a point about people who think they are better than they really are.

Basically, there was some study, I forget the criteria or who did it, that found that 85% of Americans think that they are above average. I recall my glee upon reading about this one. So many times I have been confronted my clearly inferior beings, yet they do not immediately prostrate or kowtow before me. I am not really much for prostration anyway, but I have wondered why so many idiots go about masquerading as intelligent people.

So based on my skewed statistics of nebulous origins and accuracy, 35% of people who are below average think that they are above average. Doesn't this present a problem, or is it okey dokey?

I wonder if this is an American issue of severe reality dysphoria. It would be fun to see in which cultures above average people think they are above average. I wonder if the 15% who think they are below average are really below average,

Oh my gentle readers, I need to ascertain the validity of these statistics. Your humble narrator will seek to verify same.

Nonetheless, it does seem to me that no one in America admits to being below average. Either they are pretty much average or there is someone op
Resting them.

Your humble narrator, for example, is pretty oppressed by the man.  In fact, the primary reason why I wish to go teach overseas is to get away from oppression by the man.

The "who, what, when, where, and why" surrounding the identity of The Man, his motives are unclear. Simply put, The Man oppresses us, for unclear reasons and unclear motives. What is clear in my life is that The Man is causing me some strife.

All jive talk aside, I am inclined towards a belief that Americans are a pretty mentally looney group overall. The percentage of sociopaths and narcissists is higher in our country than elsewhere. Again, I make that broad pseudo scientific point based on some book I read by some psychologist.

Supposedly, according to some psychologist, thee are approximately one sociopath for every twenty Americans. Of these sociopaths, maybe 40 percent are in jail, while most are living among us. Sociopaths by definition have no real empathy, or remorse.  I imagine true sociopathy blends with narcissistic behavior types on a scale. According to my dim recollection of the book I read, sociopathy is not inherently criminalistic, but is simply a lack of normal human emotions.

Many members of the military are examples of what great things sociopaths can do. If you don't have fear and have no remorse ordering others to die, you make a perfect warrior. That is probably how European and hence American society has such a high percentage of sociopaths.

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