Monday, April 15, 2013

Puppy is doing fine

That little poodle puppy I mentioned last week is doing fine.

I have been thinking about the little puppy since last week.  I actually researched ways of hiding him on the train ride back to Wuhan.

Anyway, I just got back to my mountain home, and went to the place where I last saw the puppy.

The workers from the cafeteria where sitting outside having lunch (it is about 85 degrees here today). I found the puppy, clean and happy sitting in a metal cage/crate in a shady spot outside what appears to be apartments for the workers.

I stopped and pet him through the cage.  He seemed quite happy and energetic, although I am sure he does not like being in a crate.

I have done further research about dogs here in China, and my assessment that ALL dogs here have it bad.  SOME dogs have a very good life.  Strays and unfortunate dogs have a VERY bad time around here though.

I read a story about a family who call their three dogs their sons, and refer to their only human son as the dogs older brother.

It is indeed a relief that the puppy is doing ok.

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